Friday, October 30, 2009


You might be questioning yourself why President Obama declared the H1N1 national emergency. To begin let me remind you that the swine flu pandemic started in April. Since then more than 20000 H1N1 case has been reported and more than 1000 patients have died in 46 state including 100 children.
In order for this administration to shorten the numbers it is an imperative to take the H1N1 pandemic to a high standard. Through the state of emergency the federal government has formulate procedure to reply to the pandemic by helping hospitals to deal with patient. This will enable doctor to come in from any states or different facilities to take care of a patient without any requirement.
Remember swine flu can turn to a fatal illness within the matter of hour.
Here are some symptoms of H1N1 list by the Center for Disease Control: cough, body ache, headache, fever, chills, fatigue, congestion, sore throat, and vomiting, stuffy nose. If you have any of these symptoms do not hesitate go check a doctor.
The Centers for Disease Control also prospected a list a category of group of people called 'high priority group': Pregnant woman, baby under 6 month, 24 years old, health care worker, 25-64 years old with health problems. According to the Center for Disease Control this group needs to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

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