Monday, October 12, 2009


The Norwegian Nobel Committee assigned Pres. Barack Obama the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. A news, that surprisingly left the republican and the right-wing stunned wondering what he has done to merit such high award. During his press release at the White House Pres. Obama said " he is both surprised and deeply humble".
Critics said the gesture is a simply an endorsement. Some said that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize just by making a lot of promises for the future.
Obama joined the peace shift including Marthin Luther King Jr, 14th Dalai Lama Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu. Two other sitting U.S. presidents have won this award: Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson and former president Jimmy Carter, who won it twenty years after leaving the White House.
After all Pres. Obama said that he accepted this award as a call for action. " I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishment. But rather as an affirmation of American leadership. " Why the Republican and the right-wing kanye-westing President Obama Nobel Peace Prize.

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