Monday, October 12, 2009


Sunday was lighting by a rally organized by gay rights supporters. They paraded from the White House to the Capital to grap President Barack Obama and congress attention in order to enable gays to serve publicly in the military, allow same-sex marriages and put an end to end to the "don't ask, don't tell" policy discrimination against gays.
Many of the protesters feel confident that they voice will be heard since the gay rights struggle has been linked to the Civil Rights movement.
Children was among the demostrators and the crowd was singing canticle like "Hey, Obama, let mama marry mama".
President Obama a strong supporter of the movement said on saturday that he can announce that after more than a decade this bill is set to pass and will sign it with no hesitation. At the dinner for the Human Rights Campaign, Pres. Obama repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy and expressed his ambition to fight for an equal right by pushing Congress to abrogate the Defense of Marriage Act and pass the Domestic Partners Benefit and Obligations Act. As he quoted during his address "For nearly 30 years, you've advocated for those without a voice... Despite the progress we have made, there are still laws to change and hearts to open."
Some democrats are concerned about President Obama's determination to end Defense of Marriage Act.

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