Monday, October 26, 2009


One of the biggest tasks facing the Obama administration is the health care reform. The clock is ticking and the parties are split between those who want a government run option and those who wholly opposed it. Most of Americans get their coverage from private insurance compare to nearly 50 millions who do not have insurance.

The polemic is whether or not a public option, a plan proposed by the Obama administration, is substantial in order to cover the 50 million Americans uninsured and generate a fair competition between governments run insurance company and the private insurance.
Few weeks ago it was the house representative Nancy Pelosi pushing for the public option, but now Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is also joining the government insurance option carriage that allow states to "opt out" if they do not want to take part.
The only Republican leader to vote for the Senate Finance Committee's health care bill, Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine has warned democrats’ leaders that she would not jump on board of a public option wagon.

Despite Health Care reform remain top priority on Pres. Obama agenda, it is also one of the most complex issues. But no matter how divided the leaders in Congress are on health care issue this week calls for unity, understanding therefore a proposal. Both House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are compelled to take a final decision in the position to start voting for the beginning of November.

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