Thursday, October 15, 2009


The international community is taking action against Moussa Dadis Camara, chef of the junta. According to the prosecutor of the ICC(International Criminal Court), Luis Moreno Ocampo, crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court could have been perpetrated in Guinea during the 'September 28 massacre'.

Remember on september 28 people from all part of Guinea rallied at the stadium to demonstrate against a possible candidacy of Moussa Dadis Camara, chief of the junta who seized the power unlawfully since december 2008.
Much to the world surprise the police forces opened fire leaving nearly 157 people dead and more than thousand severely wounded. Other sources accused the security forces of rapes and sexual assaults on women taking part of the rally.

The European Union qualified the 'September 28 massacre' as crimes against humanity. Therefore suggestion of taking action against the military rulers and against their leader, the captain Moussa Camara Dadisis is not off the table.

At the time of a meeting between the African Union and the European Union, Mr. Karel de Gucht, the european commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid has decided on the facts of the 'September 28 massacre' as he quoted "The leader of the coup d'etat is accountable for its actions before a court for crimes against humanity. The repression of 28 September was a brutal ever seen. We are indeed facing a crime against humanity. And there is a principle idea is that, everywhere, when a crime against humanity is perpetrated, these crimes are judges. International justice must also be universal, otherwise it loses its credibility."
In other hand the United States secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton also called on the Guinean military junta to relinquish power.
But let's be clear this steps does not entitle the ICC(International Criminal Court) to conduct an inquiry. Luis Moreno Ocampo must get approval from the judges of the preliminary to do so.

Now facing this internal and external pressure, is the chet of junta Moussa Dadis Camara willing to abide by its promise that he will not run as candidat in elections of January 30, 2010 or would he dare to go against the Guinean people, the opposition movements and the international institutions like the African Union, European Union, African Union, the Economic Community of the west African States, the United Nations, national and the international movements for human rights, which all share the same point of view 'the departure of Dadis'.

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