Thursday, October 15, 2009


Health Care Reform fate is starting to settle. The congressional committee has approved $829 billion project to shape America health care reform.
The $829 Baucus health care legislation would stretch insurance coverage for 29 million Americans and subsidize insurance cost to help family afford coverage. The bill would also stop health insurance companies from dropping consumer because of pre-existing conditions. The congressional budget office appraised the $829 Baucus health care bill and concluded that the bill would curb the national deficit by $80 billion over the next 10 years.

The key senate committee passed the legislation with 14-9 vote. Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine was the only republican to cross political divergence and vote for the bill.
Pres. Obama thanks Sen. Snowe for her courage and seriousness. During the address he reiterated his contentment and said that the time has come to "dig in and work even harder to get this done."
The former Pres. Bill Clinton said that he is certain the health care bill will pass this time compare to 1994. But he also believe that the republican want the democrats to fail. Because if they pass the health care bill it might put the democrats in the majority for 30 more years.
Now the Senate committee has clear the road from all impediments let’s see what would happen to public option.

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