Saturday, November 7, 2009


The members of the House met today in a joint session to vote by plebiscite an intelligible Health Care Reform Bill. This Bill will insure 96% of Americans.
But to pass this legislation, Democrat needs 218 votes. If we are to believe there would not be a single hope for a bipartisan Bill because the Republicans members are determined to go against the Health Care Reform.
The issues on abortion and illegal immigrants were central of the discussion. Some key element that would shape the future of the American Health Care Reform.
Pres. Obama made a secret visit on the Hill to reinstate his determination and commitment but also to remind the House Democratic leadership the challenge they are facing. "This is their moment, this is our moment, to live up to the trust that the American people have placed in us," Pres. Obama quoted while the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gladly said that today not just history will be made make, but also progress for America's working families.

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