Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It all started with an upright and a peaceful protest. People from all part of Guinea rallied monday at the stadium of '28 Septembre' to demonstrate against a possible candidacy of Moussa Dadis Camara, chief of the junta who seized the power unlawfully since december 2008.
Much to the world surprise the police forces opened fire leaving nearly 157 people dead and more than thousand severely wounded. Other sources accused the security forces of rapes and sexual assaults on women taking part of the rally.
The international brotherhood - the African Union, France, the United States, England, the European Union and the United Nations firmly opposed this barbarous retaliation and requested the discharge of the arrested opposition leaders in order to reinstate fondamental law.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


As the global challenge request global response, the world largest industrial nations and upcoming major industrial countries were gathering in Pittsburgh for the world economy conference host by President Obama.
The aim of the meeting was to prevent world economy against another financial crisis with a possible creation of an international group of central bankers and regulators called financial stability board in order to control banks CEOs earnings and particularly shoring up the financial regulation. The global summit took place in front of furious protesters.
Despite some glimpse of recovery the leaders of G-20 also expressed their concern of possible peril for the world econommy to dip back into recession.

Friday, September 25, 2009


We all remember president Obama and his thirst for implementing change in US political landscape during the 2008 presidential election. But this time in a boundless call, President Obama started his campaign at the United Nations headquarters.
On wednesday for his first appearance at the opening session of the United Nation general assembly President Obama launched his world campaign for change. Without rambling Obama declared a 'new era of engagement'. In a uncompromising address to Obama said to the world and his leaders to stop grounsing about the United State and take responsability.
President Obama fully remove himself from the prior government "Those who used to chastise America for acting alone in the world cannot now stand by and wait for America to solve the world's problem alone " he added. Otherwise it is time to say bye to the unilateral policy and and welcome to unity and responsibility.
When it comes to Iran and North Korea, two nations profaning the international nuclear weapons treaties 'they must be held accountable'.
Obama formulated his ambition to reinstate the Israel and Palestinian peace process saying "The goal is clear: two states living side by side in peace and security- a Jewish state of Israel with true security for all Israelis and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people."
President Obama called the leaders to put effort together in order to fight poverty, pandemic disease, global warming, terror and nuclear proliferation saying "The magnitude of our challenges has yet to be met by the measure of our action."
Snorting the Bush regime President Obama boosted the world for a collective responsability in a pursuit of a better world, a world of justice - a world of peace.


After clumsily shouting his leg while attending a Manhattan nightclub, the former Giants wide reciver Plaxico Buress pleaded guilty to weapons charges. He is sentenced for 2 years in prison.


Sunday, September 27, 2009
Redskins vs Lions 1:00 PM ET on FOX
Packers vs Rams 1:00 PM ET on FOX
49ers vs Vikings 1:00 PM ET on FOX
Falcons vs Patriots 1:00 PM ET on FOX
Titans vs Jets 1:00 PM ET on CBS
Chiefs vs Eagles 1:00 PM ET on CBS
Giants vs Buccaneers 1:00 PM ET on FOX
Bowns vs Ravens 1:00 PM ET on CBS
Jaguars vs Texans 1:00 PM ET on CBS
Bears vs Seahawks 4:05 PM ET on FOX
Saints vs Bills 4:05 PM ET on FOX
Steelers vs Bengals 4:15 PM ET on CBS
Broncos vs Raiders 4:15 PM ET on CBS
Dolphins vs Chargers 4:15 PM ET on CBS
Colts vs Cardinals 8:20 PM ET on NBC

Monday, September 28, 2009
Panthers vs Cowboys 8:30 PM ET on ESPN

Thursday, September 24, 2009


As the global challenge request global response, the world largest industrial nations and upcoming major industrial countries were gathering in Pittsburgh for the world economy conference host by President Obama.
The aim of the meeting was to prevent world economy against another financial crisis with a possible creation of an international group of central bankers and regulators called financial stability board in order to control banks CEOs earnings and particularly shoring up the financial regulation. The global summit took place in front of furious protesters pushing against capitalism.
Despite some glimpse of recovery the leaders of G-20 also expressed their concern of possible peril for the world econommy to dip back into recession.


We all remember president Obama and his thirst for implementing change in US political landscape during the 2008 presidential election. But this time in a boundless call, President Obama started his campaign at the United Nations headquarters.
On wednesday for his first appearance at the opening session of the United Nation general assembly President Obama launched his world campaign for change. Without rambling Obama declared a 'new era of engagement'. In a uncompromising address to Obama said to the world and his leaders to stop grounsing about the United State and take responsability.
President Obama fully remove himself from the prior government "Those who used to chastise America for acting alone in the world cannot now stand by and wait for America to solve the world's problem alone " he added. Otherwise it is time to say bye to the unilateral policy and and welcome to unity and responsibility.
When it comes to Iran and North Korea, two nations profaning the international nuclear weapons treaties 'they must be held accountable'.
Obama formulated his ambition to reinstate the Israel and Palestinian peace process saying "The goal is clear: two states living side by side in peace and security- a Jewish state of Israel with true security for all Israelis and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people."
President Obama called the leaders to put effort together in order to fight poverty, pandemic disease, global warming, terror and nuclear proliferation saying "The magnitude of our challenges has yet to be met by the measure of our action."
Snorting the Bush regime President Obama boosted the world for a collective responsability in a pursuit of a better world, a world of justice - a world of peace.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009



Actor Patrick Swayze has died after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Patrick Swayze is best know for his proficient role revealed in "Dirty Dance" and "Ghost". We will always remember Patrick Swayze.


Once again Kanye West has spilfired the spotlight. It was sunday night at the 2009 MTV Music Awards during Taylor Swift`s VMA acceptance when Kanye West diverted the microphone from the 19-year-old saying "Taylor, I am really happy for you. I will let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. One of the best videos of all time."
The shocking rebuke of West promtply shift the hall moon from jollity to rage. Kanye West retort put ineluctably the audience out of temper thus as response he quitted the stage ginving everybody the finger. The next day social network was loaded with some cruel comments about Kanye reaction.

Remember this is not the first bad behavior of Kanye. At the 2006 MTV Europe Music Awards he did something silly, in 2004 at the American Music Award he got silly, in 2007 VMAs he did something silly and he just got silly again.
Kanye West did apologize but this is such a daily round and people are having hard time to forget and forgive. Is Kanye West aware that he is manoeuvring a stratagem that will jeopardize his legacy? Is Kanye West really going to let his ego bankrupt his career?


Serena Williams apologized for her atrocious behavior on saturday at the US Open semifinal as she stated " I want to sincerely apologize first to the lineswoman Kim Clijsters, the USTA and mostly tennis fans everywhere for my inappropriate outburst. I'm a woman of great pride, faith and integrity, and I admit when I'm wrong. I need to make it clear to all young people that I handled myself inappropriately and it's not the way to act. Win or lose, good call or bad call in any sport, in any manner."
According to USTA senior director of public relations Chris Widmaier Serena Williams was fined $10,500 by the U.S. Open. But lets be clear some additional charges may be add on the correct figure.



We all remember the stunning slump of one of the efficient global financial-services. Certainly not incognito, the Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. fallout affected so many sectors in the economy that we have all been led to believe the recession originate from the chapter 11 bankruptcy filed by the Lehman Bros. on Sep 15, 2008.
Let us stick to fact instead of rambling. Whether this theory does or does not tally with the fact we still have the same old Wall Street. yep! We got the same legislation, same companies "too big to fail", same merry-go-round, same lust to accumulate profit with an appetite... To be concise the same system under former President Bush era is still existing today. Wall Street supply his lungs with the same dioxyde of carbone.
President Obama came into office with full agenda from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act- the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009- Helping Families Save Their Homes Act and now striving to pass the Health Care Reform Bill, the question still remain: is President Obama doing enough to thwart US against another crisis?


Ten of thousands of people gather in US capital saturday to reclaim the basic American value and protest against government out of control spending, the Obama tax-policies and his health care plan. They concern the direction the government is leading the people. They are marching with slogan such as "Obamacare makes me sick", “We the People." Others shouting “You lie, you lie." Some are even taking on the congresswoman Nancy Pelosi yelling “Pelosi has to go,".
The white house official denied being aware of who is the tea party; When and where they will march. Some democrats confirmed that the group is wrathful is pumped by conservative radio and TV talk-show host. Would this demonstration makes any impact on the actual political atmosphere?


Representative from South Carolina Joe Wilson yells out " You lie” to the president during his address to a joint session of Congress. He did not waist a time to apologize to the president saying “This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.” This lack of courtesy from Rep. Joe Wilson and the strong republican opposition to the President Obama is about more than policy. We will found out in the weeks ahead.


Last night in a prime-time address to a joint session of Congress President Obama has kicked the health care reform right to the target. As he said he might not be the first President to face this issue but his determination will make him the last.
According the plan layed out by the President Obama, with only $900 billion , he assured not to add a dime to the deficit; that consummers can keep their current coverage if they want to. His reform would not apply to illegal immigrant. The Bill explicitly bans illegal immigrants from getting subsidies for health care. For those who loose their job or shift job they will be able to get coverage. And for those who do not have insurance he endorsed the public option which is simply an option, no one would be forced to choose it.
During his address president Obama recalled Sen. Ted Kennedy and his determination to get this issue solve from a handwritten letter that the Sen. Kennedy delivered to him before his death quoting that: " Health care reform is a great unfinished business of society."
Despite all the detail recollected, the republican party still denied that the President has reached out. The Gop and his leaders oppose all type of government run health care or any type of government bureaucracy and want to start the process over.
But for the president statut quo is not an option, it is time to act now.


It has been a harsh political summer for the President of United State. From Health care scuffle, czar resignation, to back to school speech controversy President Obama have had all. Now it is time to get down to business.
On Wednesday President Obama will address his join session of congress. This speech will decide the destiny of the health insurance reform. President Obama must united his own party, liberal democrat and blue dogs divided over the public option the other hand the republican who strongly oppose the bill. The aftermath of this speech will determine the fate of the democrat party. Stay tune.


President Obama is scheduled to deliver a speech to student all across the nation on Tuesday. The 18 min speech of President Obama polarized on motivating students to work hard and complete school. As he said: "No matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you'll need an education to do it,”. A gesture from the white house that has fired up the conservative base saying that the president is trying to sale his political agenda. They are even encouraging students parents to sabotage the president speech or keep their kids at home. The secretary of education department Arne Duncan said those allegations are silly knowing that this is not the first time a president delivered a nationally televised speech to students. In November 1988, President Reagan did it; in the fall of 1991 President George W.H Bush also gave a national speech to students motivating them to stay drug free.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


On Friday the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame welcomed his newest members: Michael Jordan, David Robinson, John Stockton, C. Vivian Stringer and Jerry Sloan. One of the touching moments was the inducted of the six times NBA champion and five times MVP.
Michael Jordan was very emotional during his speech before he takes on the road of souvenir.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Group 1:
(1)Denmark 17 pts (2)Hungary 13 pts (3)Sweden 12pts
(4)Portugal 10 pts (5)Albania – 6 pts (6)Malta 1pts

Group 2:
(1)Switzerland 16pts (2)Greece 13pts (3)Latvia 13pts
(4)Israel 9pts (5)Luxembourg 5pts (6)Moldova 2pts

Group 3:
(1)Slovakia 16pts (2)North Ireland 14pts (3)Poland 11pts
(4)Slovenia 11pts (5)Czech Republic 9pts (6)San Marino 0pt

Group 4:
(1)Germany 19pts (2)Russia 18pts (3)Finland 13pts
(4)Wales 9pts (5)Azerbaijan 1pt (6)Liechtenstein 1pt

Group 5:
(1)Spain – 21pts (2)Bosnia-Herzegovina 15pts (3)Turkey – 11pts
(4)Belgium – 7pts (5)Estonia – 5pts (6)Armenia – 1pt

Group 6:
(1)England 21pts (2)Croatia 17pts (3)Ukraine 14pts
(4)Belarus 9pts (5)Kazakhstan 3pts (6)Andorra 0pt

Group 7:
(1)Serbia 18pts (2)France 14pts (3)Austria 10pts
(4)Lithuania 9pts (4)Romania 8pts (6)Faroe Islands 1pt

Group 8:
(1)Italy 17pts (2)Ireland 16pts (3)Bulgaria 11pts
(4)Cyprus 5pts (5)Montenegro 4pts (6)Georgia 3pts

Group 9:
(1)Netherlands 21pts (2)Scotland 10pts (3)Norway 7pts
(4)Macedonia 7pts (5)Iceland 5pts


Group A: Gabon with only 3 games played and Togo 4 games played are fighting for the first rank with on 1 point different. Cameroon holds 3th rank with 4 points and Morocco 4th with 3 points.

Group B: Tunisia leads the group by 2 wins, 0 loss and 8 points before Nigeria with 1 win, 0 loss and 6 points; Mozambique 1 win, 2 losses and 4 points finally Kenya with 1 win, 3 losses and 3 points.

Group C: As they trying to return to the final after 24 years, Algeria and Egypt are fighting for the 1 rank with 7 points each. Then follow Zambia with 4 points and Rwanda with 1.

Group D: The Black Stars of Ghana (12pts) have nothing to worry about then watching the hourglass pass right into 2010. Mali (5pts) second in the run, Benin (4pts), Sudan (1pts).

Group E: The Elephants of Ivory Coast with 12pts are heading joyfully to South Africa. Burkina Faso (6pts) by all means necessary still expect to find his way. Guinea(3pts) with a new coach, Titi Camara, can possibly attend the African Cup just as Malawi(3pts).

Monday, September 7, 2009

Iverson Grizzlies Meeting

Allen Iverson will have meeting Monday with the Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley. If agreed the Grizzlies will sign Allen Iverson to a one year deal worth $3.5 Million.

Allen Iverson rencontrera le proprietaire de Vancouver Grizzlies le lundi dans l’evantualite de signer un contrat. Si approprie Allen Iverson signera un contrat d’un an pour l’equivalent de 3.5 million de dollar.



The French club Le Havre and Man United are fighting over the Guinean descent Paul Pogba. Apparently Le Havre has had a sort of agreement with Paul Pogba and his parents that the 16 year-old will stay until the end of 2009-2010 seasons. According to Le Havre officials Paul Pogba, the captain of the national team at U-16 and his parents has receive a amount of money from Man United. Enough reason for Pobga to give up on Le Havre and sign a fresh deal with Man United. Le Havre is even threatening to inflict sanctions against Man United.

Le club francais Le Havre et Man United sont en melee sur l'avenir de Paul Pogba, le joueur d'origine guineene. Apparemment Le Havre avait eu un accodemmodement avec Paul Pobga et ses parents. L'accord etait de garder Pogba au sein des effetifs du Havre jusqu'a la fin de la saison 2009-2010. Mais selon les autorites du Havre le capitane de l'equipe national des moins de 16 ans a recu des sommes considerables provenant de Man United. Des chiffres qui ont encourage Paul Pobga de renoncer a son contrat avec Le Havre et signer avec Man United. Le Havre menace donc d'imposer des sanctions contre Man United.

Saturday, September 5, 2009



The french government has ruled on to sanction or isolate Guinea if the leader of the junta does not respect his commitment.

Le Gouvernement francais a edicte de sanctioner voir meme isoler la Guinee si le leader de la junte ne respecter pas ses engagements.



On Friday the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame welcomed his newest members: Michael Jordan, David Robinson, John Stockton, C. Vivian Stringer and Jerry Sloan. One of the touching moment was the inducted of Michael Jordan. The`six times NBA champion and five times MVP,Michael Jordan was very emotional during his speech before he takes on the road of good souvenir.


Allen Iverson will have meeting Monday with the Vancouver Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley. If agreed the Grizzlies will sign Allen Iverson to a one year deal worth $3.5 Million.

Allen Iverson rencontrera le proprietaire de Vancouver Grizzlies le lundi dans l’evantualite de signer un contrat. Si approprie Allen Iverson signera un contrat d’un an pour l’equivalent de 3.5 million de dollar.


Despite a remarquable package of endorsement deals and sponsorship the young rooky from Spain, Ricky Rubio is still undecided if he will make his NBA debut. Apparently is still want to stay in Spain quoting "Going to Minnesota would have just complicated my life a lot. It was a risk and I did not see it so clearly."
But ask yourself what would stop this young kid to execute his NBA dream.


The Boston Celtics have signed Marquis Daniels from Indiana Pacers.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2009 MTV Video Music Awards

Coming soon on september 13 at 9 p.m the 2009 MTV Video Music Award, the greatest musical event on TV. This year the VMA will take place in the Big Apple (New-York City). Go on mtv.com to vote for your best artist. All your stars will be there Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Neyo, Kid Cudy, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Rihana, Green Day, Pitbull, Kanye West, P!nk, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Muse, Wale and lot more. Do not miss this rendez-vous.

Bientot dans les parages le 2009 MTV Video Musical Awards, l'evenement musical le plus attendu sur vos ecrans. Prevu pour le 13 septembre 2009 a 9 p.m heure des Etats-Unis d`Amerique, le VMA se deroulera au Big Apple (NEW-YORK CITY) regroupant toutes vos stars Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Neyo, Kid Cudy, Beyonce,Katy Perry, Rihana, Green Day, Pitbull, Kanye West, P!nk, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Muse, Wale et beaucoup d'autres. Allez sur mtv.com pour elire votre meilleur(e) artist(e) de l'annee, votre meilleur son; surtout ne manquez pas au rendez-vous.

Texas`American Dream / Le Reve Americain De L`Etat de Texas

Have you ever imagine a state freeing itself from the United State of America? Yes! folks I tell you right now it is Texas. The governor of Texas Rick Perry is reconsidering to separate in extenso the state of Texas from the union if Washington continue to embrace socialism visions. Readers do not believe a word I am saying if you think this is a joke; but for the Governor Rick Perry this is the appropriate strategy to invigorate the republican faction or growth the anti-washington clan.

Avez vous imaginez un Etat prendre sa souverainete des Etats-Unis d'Amerique? Je veux dire se retirer des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et proclamer son independance? Oui! Je vous le dit maintenant c`est l`Etat de Texas. Le gouverneur de Texas Rick Perry a exprime ses ambitions de separer completement l'Etat de Texas de l'union des 50 Etats si le gouvernement de Washington continue d'adopter ses visions socialistes. Mes lecteurs ne croyez aucun mot de ce que je dis si vous pensez que c`est du bluff; pour le gouverneur Rick Perry ceci est la strategie adequate pour tonifier non seulement le parti republicain mais aussi accroitre le clan des anti-washington.